Joni AlWindi
Joni AlWindi is an award-winning Swedish/Finnish entrepreneur and EdTech pioneer, economist, consultant and multilingual promoter of innovative, productive and pedagogical application of technology in education and training.
With work experience in Latin America since 2003, as an English teacher, independent education researcher and EdTech pioneer since 2008, he’s now based in Finland since 2011. As a founder and co-founder of several entrepreneurial initiatives, including with the University of Helsinki, he’s focused on Finnish education and digital pedagogy, training teachers in Finland and beyond since 2016 around the core message of attaining immediate impact through powerful methodologies and modern technology.
He graduated from the Stockholm School of Economics and St Gallen University with a double Master’s in International Economics and International Management in 2009, while already working as an independent education researcher and EdTech entrepreneur in Colombia.
Handbook of International Development and Education (2015)
EdTech Journeys