

Billing address: full address of school/institution (street, number, postal code, city)

Contact person for schools/institutions

It should be the teacher or staff member who - on behalf of all participants of the school - takes care of correspondence with Euneos about administration issues: billing, change of names of participants, adding or cancelling participants. This person is responsible for delivering all information to all participants of his/her school. Shortly before a course Euneos will also send information directly to the participants. IMPORTANT: only the contact person will receive confirmation of the registration.

Contact person for schools/institutions 2 (optional)


Enter all participant information as well as the course they which to register for
Original Best Practices Benchmarking course - Vocational and Adult Education in Finland and Estonia

Please fill in all mandatory fields

Missing fields:

  • Name of your school/institution. If you do not represent any organization, please write your name
  • Country
  • Street
  • Number
  • Postal code
  • City
  • Phone number of your school/institution. Please also mention your country code
  • Name of contact person of your school/institution
  • Email address of the contact person of your school/institution
  • Phone number of the contact person of your school/institution. Please also mention your country code
  • Participants