

Billing address: full address of your school/institution/individual (street address, postal code, city, country)

Contact person for schools/institutions

It should be the teacher or staff member who - on behalf of all participants of the school - takes care of correspondence with Euneos about administration issues: billing, change of names of participants, adding or cancelling participants. This person is responsible for delivering all information to all participants of his/her school. Shortly before a course Euneos will also send information directly to the participants. IMPORTANT: only the contact person will receive confirmation of the registration.

Contact person for schools/institutions 2 (optional)


Enter all participant information as well as the course they which to register for. Please note that participants' names will appear on the certificates and other documents as written below
Sustainability - Teaching Eco Skills

Please fill in all mandatory fields

Missing fields:

  • Name of your school/institution. If you are an individual course participant, please write your name
  • Country
  • Street address
  • Number
  • Postal code
  • City
  • Phone number of your school/institution. If you are an individual course participant, please write your phone number. Please also mention your country code
  • Name of the contact person of your school/institution. If you are an individual course participant, please write your name
  • E-mail address of the contact person of your school/institution. If you are an individual course participant, please write your e-mail address.
  • Phone number of the contact person of your school/institution. If you are an individual course participant, please write your phone number. Please also mention your country code
  • Participants