Frequently Asked Questions
What is Euneos company information?
About Euneos
Official name: Euneos Corporation,
PIC 950782555/OID E10124150
The company is based and registered in Helsinki, Finland.
Reg. number 1935880-3, VAT number
Fiscal code) FI19358803.
contact email address:
Legal representative:
Riku Korosuo
CEO of Euneos Oy
What is the OID of Euneos Oy?
➡ E10124150
What does the course fee include?
The course fee includes the teaching part, but does not include travelling,
commuting, accommodation nor food or drinks unless mentioned otherwise.
How and when to pay?
The Contact person of the school/ organization will receive an invoice. We ask you to
pay it within 7 days.
For all concerns concerning invoicing, please contact
May I choose different course lengths?
Most pre-scheduled courses last 7 days, some 5 days. It may in some cases be
possible to take two courses in a row when they take place on consecutive weeks, thus
forming a 10-14 days course.
More info:
Will I receive a course certificate?
Yes, we offer course certificates at the end of the course as long as the participants
have been taking part in the course programme.
More info:
Is it possible to make a participant change after the registration has been made?
Yes, it is possible as long as you contact directly.
Do you offer accommodation?
No, we do not. But we give you tips, and suggestions in different price categories &
some offer codes depending on the venue.
Who can I contact concerning on demand courses?
Please contact:
I need the course ID, where can I find it?
Please check out
Both ESEP & MT should generate a course ID once the function is in use according to
Support Services for the School Education Gateway, eTwinning and the European
School Education Platform.