Need a Europass?
Information about Europass mobility
EUROPASS Is a personal document to record knowledge and skills acquired in another European country.
Who completes it?
Two partner organisations involved in the mobility project in co-operation: the first in the country of origin (ie. your own school/consortium) and the second by the course provider, preferably Euneos course administration (courses@euneos.eu).
How to obtain Europass?
Please contact your own National Europass Centre.
List of National Europass Centers
Examples of Europass Mobility documents in different languages
View instructions for education and training institutions to issue the Europass Mobility
View examples of the Europass Mobility
If you are interested in making a Europass mobility document for yourself, your school will need to apply for Europass first. Your school is the sending organisation. Euneos Oy is Host partner.
Prepare before asking for signature of Euneos
After getting the Europass you need to fill in yourself as much as possible. You will find Euneos company information ( nr.15-20) in the email you have received from course administration as well as other more detailed information.
NB. Some countries have already online systems for preparing Europass. Please contact courses@euneos.eu for instructions.
Signature by Euneos
We can only sign Europasses during or after the courses, NOT before the course. Please do prepare the passes in advance, but wait to receive the final programme offered by the main organizer of each course. Then you may simply copy and paste it on the Europass tool and/ or word document. If the school/ consortia are sending a bigger group of participants, then it is best that the contact person sees to the finalizing of the passes with Euneos course administration on behalf of the participants.
Option 1 (preference). Fill in the pass as much as possible, then send it after the course by mail to courses@euneos.eu for signature and stamp. In this case your Europass will be signed by the Head of Euneos Course Administration. If you send it as a word doc the administration will be able to modify it and type missing information in open fields. If you send it as a PDF, the open fields will be filled in by hand. The course administration will send it to you signed and stamped as a scanned version (and/or as a paper version out of request).
Option 2. Bring your Europass to the course to be signed.
- You apply for a Europass well in time.
- Before the course you fill in the Europass as much as possible.
- Euneos Oy always needs to be mentioned as host organisation.
- Bring the Europass prepared and printed out to the venue.
- During the course you may ask the trainer to sign the pass.
- NB. All trainers do not carry the manual stamp with them on the venues.
Need a document?
Codes of Euneos: PIC 950782555/OID E10124150
Schools/organizations from certain programme countries need specific documents such as:
- Confirmation letter of acceptance by the course provider
- Learning agreement
- Europass mobility
Procedure: Download the pre-filled document and complete it. Send it for digital signature and stamp to Euneos (as word document). In case of Europass you can use the example below when you fill in your Europass.
Download links for documents
Confirmation letter for confirmation/invitation to the course. Fill in all data and send it to Euneos for confirmation. You can send the document to courses@euneos.eu
Learning agreement for training. Please ask your national agency for the template, fill in yourself and send to Euneos for signature.