
Proper Evaluation in a Modern and Digital World

Learn the latest skills

The Proper Evaluation in a Modern and Digital World course is designed to revolutionize your approach to evaluating learning outcomes. The program blends theoretical insights with hands-on activities and field trips, offering a comprehensive understanding of contemporary evaluation methods. Through this course, you will explore both traditional and innovative evaluation techniques, focusing on how they can enhance learning rather than merely assess it. You will engage in individual work, collaborative projects, and group discussions, all within a participatory learning environment.

Throughout the course, you will delve into various evaluation methods, including formative and summative assessments, and examine how modern pedagogical approaches can transform these evaluations into tools for future learning improvement. Field visits, such as a trip to the Suomenlinna Sea Fortress, will provide real-world contexts to apply and observe these evaluation methods in action. Active participation is crucial, allowing you to immerse yourself in new evaluation practices and refine your skills in a supportive and dynamic setting.

By the end of the course, you will have developed a nuanced understanding of effective evaluation strategies and their application in modern, digital, and student-centered learning environments. Join us to enhance your evaluation skills and contribute to the evolution of educational assessment.

Upskill your organization

Target group are the school management, teachers, special education teachers and all other non-teaching experts and staff working in school education, adult education and VET. The course covers a wide range of topics that schools need to consider and tackle when introducing future education in their school:

  • Master both traditional and modern evaluation methods.
  • Use formative assessments to enhance future learning.
  • Apply innovative pedagogical strategies in assessments.
  • Implement practical evaluation techniques through activities and field trips.
  • Utilize digital tools for modern assessment practices.
  • Gain insights into Finnish educational methods.

The course methodology aspires creating an output. Working individually or in groups on a concrete product to be used in your own school. Participants are given time to develop these outputs and the trainers coach and support them throughout the week, if necessary even long after courses have finished as a follow up.

Earn a certificate

The course participants will get a Certificate of Active Attendance.

The competences acquired will be validated by the course organisers on the Europass mobility.

What makes Euneos the leading course provider in Europe?

Euneos consistently rises to the challenge, empowering our clients with a wide selection of outstanding courses. We're committed to delivering excellence that meets the Quality Standards for courses under Key Action 1 and Rules of application, Annex I - Erasmus Quality Standards, as required by the European Commission.

On-site courses

Proper Evaluation in a Modern and Digital World on-site courses take place in Helsinki, Finland. Proper Evaluation in a Modern and Digital World are 7 day courses that start on Sunday afternoon and end on Saturday at 13:00 o'clock.

> on-site course programme

> planned courses

  • 8 - 14 December 2024, Helsinki, Finland
  • 11 - 17 May 2025, Helsinki, Finland

> course fees

Euneos has an international team of trainers who are the most experienced in the field of their expertise. Meet Euneos' trainers for the Proper Evaluation in a Modern and Digital World:

Main organiser / trainer

Joni AlWindi

Joni AlWindi is an award-winning Swedish/Finnish entrepreneur and EdTech pioneer, economist, consultant and multilingual promoter of innovative, productive and pedagogical application of technology in education and training.

With work experience in Latin America since 2003, as an English teacher, independent education researcher and EdTech pioneer since 2008, he's now based in Finland since 2011. As a founder and co-founder of several entrepreneurial initiatives, including with the University of Helsinki, he's focused on Finnish education and digital pedagogy, training teachers in Finland and beyond since 2016 around the core message of attaining immediate impact through powerful methodologies and modern technology.

He graduated from the Stockholm School of Economics and St Gallen University with a double Master's in International Economics and International Management in 2009, while already working as an independent education researcher and EdTech entrepreneur in Colombia.


Handbook of International Development and Education (2015)

EdTech Journeys

Euneos choice of venues is based on two essentials: delivering professionalism and assuring personal well-being in order to warrant enjoyable course experience.

Helsinki, Finland

> practical information (venue, accommodation, transport etc.)