
Spark up – Prepare for the future by promoting working life skills and entrepreneurship education

Learn the latest skills

The Spark Up course prepares participants for the future by promoting working life skills and entrepreneurship education. It emphasizes the need for resilience and continuous learning in a changing professional world. The course focuses on entrepreneurship education as a practical way to develop these skills and advance sustainable development goals such as quality education and economic growth. Located in Oulu, Finland, the course offers an immersive experience into Finnish education and its focus on entrepreneurship.

Participants will learn about the Finnish Curriculum and its transversal competences, and explore methods to integrate entrepreneurship education into their teaching. The program includes lectures, presentations, self-study, school visits, workshops, and group discussions. Participants will also visit schools and other learning environments to see how entrepreneurship education is implemented in practice. The course concludes with a visit to the Educa Fair 2025 in Helsinki, a leading event for the education and training sector. Overall, this course provides a comprehensive understanding of entrepreneurship education and essential workplace skills.

The added value of the course is that it offers participation in an experience exchange on EU level.

Upskill your organization

Target group are the school management, teachers, special education teachers and all other non-teaching experts and staff working in school education, adult education and VET. The course covers a wide range of topics that schools need to consider and tackle when introducing future education in their school:

  • Understand the Finnish Curriculum and its transversal competences.
  • Understand the fundamentals of entrepreneurship education.
  • Be able to value and promote working life skills and entrepreneurial attitude, and
  • Find meaningful and efficient ways to implement entrepreneurship education to everyday tasks and assignments while promoting working life skills in general.

The course methodology aspires creating an output. Working individually or in groups on a concrete product to be used in your own school. Participants are given time to develop these outputs and the trainers coach and support them throughout the week, if necessary even long after courses have finished as a follow up.

Earn a certificate

The course participants will get a Certificate of Active Attendance.

The competences acquired will be validated by the course organisers on the Europass mobility.

What makes Euneos the leading course provider in Europe?

Euneos consistently rises to the challenge, empowering our clients with a wide selection of outstanding courses. We're committed to delivering excellence that meets the Quality Standards for courses under Key Action 1 and Rules of application, Annex I - Erasmus Quality Standards, as required by the European Commission.

On-site courses

Spark Up on-site courses take place in Helsinki, Finland. Spark Up are 7 day courses that start on Sunday afternoon and end on Saturday at 13:00 o'clock.

> on-site course programme

> planned courses

  • 19 - 25 January 2025, Oulu & Helsinki, Finland

The meal package (110€ excl. VAT) is obligatory

> course fees

Euneos has an international team of trainers who are the most experienced in the field of their expertise. Meet Euneos' trainers for the Spark Up - Prepare for the future by promoting working life skills and entrepreneurship education course:

Main organiser / trainer

Ville Saviluoto

  • Advisory Teacher for working life skills and entrepreneurship education
  • M.A. Education with technology oriented teacher education 
  • Minors in special education and technology education

His expertise lies in multidisclipinary modules promoting working life and entrepreneurial competence. He has been educating hundreds of teachers since 2019 and has over 4 years of experience at JA Finland as Specialist, Coordinator and Instructor. 

Pietu Niinimaki

  • Project coordinator for entrepreneurship education project
  • M.Sc. Geography, specialized in regional development and economic geography 
  • Specialist vocational qualification as a Business Advisor and a Scrum Master

His expertise lies in organising both online and onsite business programs and in providing individual business advice in various different topics ranging from business idea creation and prototyping to the deep end of financial calculations. He also has experience in organising different kind of pop-up events where participants can validate their business idea and gather feedback from real customers.  

Maikki Manninen

  • Advisory Teacher for ICT Education 
  • Class teacher and early education and care teacher 
  • Expertise in ICT and STEAM education at primary and secondary level 

Her working tasks include training and consultation on ICT especially according to the Finnish core curricula and the local strategies for both ICT and STEAM education. She is also experienced in development projects funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education, for instance, on innovative learning environments.

Paula Ratava

  • Advisory Teacher for sustainable future in the City of Oulu
  • Environmental educator and expert 
  • Teacher of Biology, Geography and Langauges

Her expertise lies in education for sustainability in general and especially in climate and environmental issues. She is really keen on hope and solutions-oriented education for sustainability, so her mostly used keywords are probably “realistic hope”, “constructive dialogue” and “the community level of action”. Her working days consist of planning materials, training and events for teachers and students, advising schools in sustainability issues and managing development projects on education for sustainability funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education.

Euneos choice of venues is based on two essentials: delivering professionalism and assuring personal well-being in order to warrant enjoyable course experience.

Oulu, Finland

> practical information (venue, accommodation, transport etc.)

Helsinki, Finland

> practical information (venue, accommodation, transport etc.)