
FREE Webinar: How to make your school more international – a practice-based approach: Erasmus+ KA1 Accreditation

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Join our Euneos Free Webinar on Erasmus+ Accreditation! Learn the secrets to crafting a top-notch accreditation application and unlock the opportunities for systematic international mobility. Get your organisation formally recognized by the European Commission for meeting the highest quality standards in international activities. With accreditation, secure funding for learner and staff mobility throughout the entire program period. Don't miss out on this chance for long-term, strategic international cooperation. Calling all teachers: Discover the path to successful Erasmus+ Accreditation in our engaging webinar.

  • 10th September 2024, 16:00 CET, online

Webinar programme

  • Part I - Introduction to KA1 Erasmus+ Accreditation

  • Part II - Erasmus Plan deconstructed

  • Part III - Quality Standards deconstructed

  • Question and comments


Jan Hormann 

  • Former international coordinator at Jac.P.Thijsse College (Netherlands) 
  • International coordinator and member of the international jury of Eumind 
  • Projects initiator and coordinator of Comenius and Erasmus+ projects at his school 
  • Former eTwinning ambassador 
  • National eTwinning prize winner 2014 
  • Freelance internationalization advisor

Frans Schmitz 

  • Former principal of Udens College (Uden – The Netherlands), a school very active in a wide range of international activities 
  • Former president of the International Committee of the Association of school leaders for secondary education in The Netherlands 
  • Former member of the General Board of ESHA (European School Heads Association)  
  • Former advisor to Nuffic (National Agency in The Netherlands) to support schools in setting up a solid school policy on internationalization now cold Global Citizen Network

Spasia Neshkoska Tsutsuleska 

  • International project coordinator 
  • Former external expert evaluator for Erasmus+ projects 
  • Former eTwinning ambassador 
  • Member of the international jury of Eumind projects 
  • Former principal of a vocational school in North Macedonia
  • Master studies in Education and Globalization, Oulu University, Finland