
Media Literacy

Learn the latest skills

What is the process of producing news and what kind of things the journalists need to consider in their work? How to involve our students in media production? What are the effects of social media on young persons’ self-image? And more precisely, what are the concrete tools to capacitate our students to confront and analyze the content they meet? Through these, and other questions we dive into the different dimensions of media literacy. Through analyzing, experiencing, discussing and going through the course material we will build a deeper understanding of the issue confronted in everyday (school) life.

The course's working methods are based on discussions and active participation in a workshop type of working, so a willingness to express one’s thoughts in English is needed. The course consists of onsite work combined with a couple of days of field trip and few hours of independent work. The course is mainly located in Helsinki.

The added value of the course are the innovative methods and approaches to be implemented into daily activities in teaching and learning. Additionally, the course offers participation in an experience exchange on EU level.

Upskill your organization

Target group is all the persons working in school or other areas of education, youth work and educational support, for example creating educational programs & material.

The course covers a wide range of topics that schools need to consider and tackle when introducing or updating their understanding of the traditional and modern day (social) media and students' skills to use them responsibly.

In the course you:

  • Learn, what is ML
  • See how the Finnish teachers use/teach it in the schools
  • Get to know the process of producing news or articles
  • Learn, how the algorithm works
  • Study the social media’s effect to young people’s self-image
  • Learn how to support the development of healthy self-esteem
  • Develop your skills in analyzing the sources of the information
  • Becoming aware of my/your own ‘lenses’ in reading the information
  • Start to build a toolkit to enhance your students’ ml
  • Create an action plan to be used in your school

In the course we work individually and in groups and create a concrete action plan to be used in your own school. Participants are given time to develop these outputs and the trainers coach and support them throughout the week, and if necessary, after course.

Earn a certificate

The course participants will get a Certificate of Active Attendance.

The competences acquired will be validated by the course organisers on the Europass mobility.

What makes Euneos the leading course provider in Europe?

Euneos consistently rises to the challenge, empowering our clients with a wide selection of outstanding courses. We're committed to delivering excellence that meets the Quality Standards for courses under Key Action 1 and Rules of application, Annex I - Erasmus Quality Standards, as required by the European Commission.

On-site courses

The Media literacy on-site courses take place in Helsinki and contain one day in Tampere, Finland. Media literacy courses are 7 day courses that start on Sunday morning 10:00 o'clock and end on Saturday at 13:00 o'clock.

> on-site course programme (provisional)

> planned courses

  • 29 September - 5 October 2024, Helsinki, Finland; Registration deadline 29 August 2024

> course fees

Euneos has an international team of trainers who are the most experienced in the field of their expertise. Meet Euneos' trainers for the Media Literacy course:

Main organiser / trainer

Suvi Westling

  • Researcher & trainer in univ. Teacher education
  • Nature & culture guide (not by degree, but by experience)
  • Master of education, qualified classroom & subject teacher (Univ. Helsinki)
  • Former teacher at primary school (K12)

Suvi is an expert on educational psychology with a broad view on education and a deep understanding of the human mind and learning. She has graduated from and later taught students in an innovative program of educational psychology at the University of Helsinki. Her teaching has included lecturing, supervising pre-service-teachers’ practice, and facilitating group processes and phenomenon-based group studies. In her research she has studied for instance the teacher-student interaction. Suvi has studied media education as part of her teacher studies. She has also gained grassroots experience of working with children and teenagers as a classroom teacher, youth worker and camp supervisor in various places at earlier phases of her life.


Euneos choice of venues is based on two essentials: delivering professionalism and assuring personal well-being in order to warrant enjoyable course experience.

Helsinki, Finland

> practical information (venue, accommodation, transport etc.)